TCP Transmission Control Protocol.
Terminal A device for displaying information and relaying communications.
Terminals do not perform any processing of data, but instead access
processing-capable systems and allow users to control that system.
Throughput The rate at which discrete quantities of information (typically measured
in Mbps) are received by or transmitted through a specific device.
Token A particular type of frame which informs a station in the Token Ring and
FDDI network technologies that it may transmit data for a specified
length of time. Once that time has expired, the station must stop
transmitting and pass the token along to the next station in the network.
Token Ring A network technology which requires that stations only transmit data
when they have been given permission by the reception of a Token, and
dictates that stations will receive information at pre-determined intervals
and in a definite series.
Topology The physical organization of stations and devices into a network.
TP-PMD Twisted Pair - Physical Medium Dependent.
Transceiver A device which transmits and receives. A transceiver provides the
electrical or optical interface to the network media, and may convert
signals from one media for use by another.
User Any person who utilizes a workstation or node on the network.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair. A type of network media which consists of a
number of individual insulated cable strands which are twisted together
in pairs.