Cambridge SoundWorks C174RCNB user manual Tips For Preparing An MP3 CD-ROM

Models: C174RCNB

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c)If there are no “.mp3” audio files in the top level of the CD-ROM, the Radio CD will automatically play the contents of the first folder on the CD-ROM (according to the “folder name” sequence).

Press Preset 4 during MP3 file play to briefly display the name of the active folder.

d)Once all the contents of the first folder are played, the Radio CD will play the contents of any remaining folders at the top level of the disc.

e)The FOLDER + and FOLDER - buttons skip to the next or previous directory in sequence according to the folder names.

f)The diagram on page 19 is an example of the automatic play sequence the Radio CD follows when playing the contents of a CD-ROM.

Tips For Preparing An MP3 CD-ROM

1)Start the title of each track or folder with a number to designate its sequence. Many CD-ROM recording programs support the automatic addition of sequence numbers to the start of each MP3 file name.

2)The Radio CD treats numbers as text when determining track and folder sequence. Use a leading zero on single digit numbers (01, 02, 03, ...) if the total of your tracks or folders is ten or greater.

3)The Radio CD supports a maximum of 99 tracks at the top level of a CD or within any folder at the top level of the CD-ROM.


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Cambridge SoundWorks C174RCNB user manual Tips For Preparing An MP3 CD-ROM