Cambridge SoundWorks C174RCNB user manual Alarm Adjustment Features

Models: C174RCNB

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To wake to a specific audio CD track: Insert an audio CD into the radio and press Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 for two seconds to enter an Alarm Adjustment session. During the Alarm Adjustment session, first press the CD Play/Pause button to select Wake to CD. Then use the Track/Tune buttons on the Radio CD faceplate to select which track you would like to play. During alarm activation, the radio will start CD play from your selected track and continue playing the CD tracks in sequence.

To wake to a specific MP3 file on a CD-ROM:The SoundWorks Radio CD 740 also lets you select an MP3 file (or track) on a CD-ROM for wakeup using the Track/Tune button. During an Alarm Activation session, a specific MP3 file for wakeup is selected from the faceplate Track/Tune buttons. A simplified scheme for track selection on CD-ROM is supported. All MP3 files on a disc are represented by a number that corresponds to the play sequence of the disc’s MP3 files in Play All mode. Tracks at the top level of the disc are numbered first followed by the tracks in the first folder, then the second folder and so on.


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Cambridge SoundWorks C174RCNB user manual Alarm Adjustment Features