Using the XLR terminals

1. Connect a microphone to one of the XLR terminals.

To supply a microphone with phantom power, set the

corresponding switch to ON. Make sure to connect the microphone first, before turning the phantom power on. Keep the microphone connected when turning off the phantom power.

2.Open the menu and select [AUDIO SETUP]. Select [CH1 INPUT] or [CH2 INPUT], and select a setting option.

Select [XLR MIC] or [XLR LINE] for channel 1 or channel 2.

When using the XLR terminal to record to only one channel, use the CH1 input terminal and set [CH1 INPUT] to [XLR MIC] or [XLR LINE].



3. From the [AUDIO SETUP] menu, select [XLR REC CH], select a setting option and close the menu.

Select [CH1] to record on channel 1 the audio from the CH1 input terminal or [CH1/CH2] to record the audio on both channels.

4. If necessary, turn on the microphone attenuator (20 dB) by setting the corresponding switch to ATT.

The microphone attenuator will only be effective when the input is set to [XLR MIC].

5.If necessary, adjust the gain of the input signal. Open the menu and select [AUDIO SETUP]. Select [XLR 1 TRIM] or [XLR 2 TRIM], depending on the audio input you want

to adjust. Select a setting option and close the menu.

The gain adjustment will only be effective when the input is set to [XLR MIC].

When connecting a microphone that does not support phantom power, make sure to set the



switch to FF. therwise the microphone may be damaged.

When [XLR REC

H] is set to [CH1/CH2], audio from the CH2 input terminal will not be recorded.

Adjusting the Audio Recording Level


If the audio level is too high and the sound sounds


distorted, activate the microphone attenuator (12 dB for


the built-in microphone, 20 dB for an external


microphone), by setting the

ATT. switch (built-in


microphone/external microphone connected to the MIC


terminal) or the corresponding

switch (external


microphone connected to the XLR terminal) to ATT.







