Enter [User Name] and [Password] → click [Log In].
The Change Settings screen is displayed.
•To log out of the login service, click [Log Out] in the upper right part of the Management Console Login screen.
•If no operation is performed for five or more minutes after logging in, only the logout operation can be performed.
•If you close the Web browser without logging out, you cannot log in again for five minutes from the last button click.
•If you try to separately log in while already logged in, an error message is displayed.
•The Login screen is skipped if one of the following conditions is met:
-"LoginSkip" is set to '1'
-The setting for "ConsoleLogin" includes the login user name for the remote login service
•The default user name and password are as follows:
-User name: printservicesclient
-Password: printservicesclient
•You can change the password. For instructions on changing the password, see "Changing the Management Console Password," on p.
•You can change the display language. For instructions on changing the display language, see "Changing the Display Language for Management Console," on p.
Changing the Settings |