List of Menu Options and Messages
Corrupted data :You attempted to replay an image with corrupted data.
RAW :You attempted to replay an image recorded in the RAW format.
Unidentified image :You attempted to replay an image file recorded in a unrecognized format (file
recorded by a different camera in a proprietary format, etc.).
Cannot magnify! :The image you attempted to magnify was recorded by another camera, or
recorded in a format that cannot be magnified, or edited on a computer.
Cannot rotate! : The image you attempted to rotate was recorded by another camera, or
recorded in a format that cannot be rotated, or edited on a computer.
Incompatible WAVE format: Cannot attach sound memo to the image because the image has some sound
file recorded in an inappropriate format.
Protected! :You attempted to erase a protected image.
Too many marks! :Too many images have been marked for printing. No more images can be
Cannot register this
:You attempted to register an image recorded with another camera as a start-up
Cannot mark image :You attempted to set the print settings for a non-JPEG file.
Exx :Camera malfunctioned. Turn off the power and turn on again, then re-shoot or
replay. If the same message recurs frequently, the camera may be damaged.
Note down the error number [xx] and take the camera to a Customer Support
Help Desk. If this message appears immediately after you have taken a shot, the
camera may not have shot the image. Switch to the Replay mode and check
whether the image was actually recorded.