Chapter 6 Registering information in your machine 6-1
Registering information in your machine

Methods of registering information

Your machine has many settings that can be customized to your particular needs.This can be
done by accessing the settings from your machine,or if you have connected your machine to
a computer,you can customize them from the computer.
This guide includes only information for changing the settings from your machine.For details
on changing them from your computer,refer to the Software Guide.

Guidelines for entering numbers,letters, and


Follow this procedure when you come to a step that requires you to enter a name or number:
1Press [T] to switch to letter mode (:A) or number mode (:1).
•You can see what mode you are in by the character indicated on the top right
corner of the LCD.
2Use the numeric keys to enter the character.Press the key repeatedly
until the character you want appears.
Key Letters Number
[1] 1
[2] ABCabc 2
[3] DEFdef 3
[4] GHIghi 4
[5] JKLjkl 5
[6] MNOmno 6
[7] PQRSpqrs 7
[8] TUVtuv 8
[9] WXYZwxyz 9
[0] 0
[#] -.A#!",;:^`_=/|'?$@%&+()[]{}<>