Copies are too dark or too light.

QIs the exposure adjusted correctly?

AAdjust the exposure correctly using [Exposure]. (See "Adjusting the Exposure (Density)," on p. 5-3.)

QIs the machine in the toner saver mode?

ASet <TONER SAVER MODE> to <OFF> in <COMMON SETTINGS> of the Menu. (See <3. TONER SAVER MODE> of "Menu Descriptions," on p. 10-3.)

The printouts are partly missing or shaded when you make copies on heavy paper.

QIs the paper type set correctly?

ASelect <HEAVY PAPER> or <HEAVY PAPER H> in <PAPER TYPE> in <PAPER SETTINGS> of the Menu. (See "Specifying the Paper Type," on p. 2-9.)

The printouts are missing when you make copies on rough paper.

QIs the paper type set correctly?

ASelect <TRANSPARENCY> in <PAPER TYPE> in <PAPER SETTINGS> of the Menu. (See "Specifying the Paper Type," on p. 2-9.)

The printouts are missing when you make copies using the 2 on 1 copy function.

QAre the documents A4-size or LTR-size?

ABe sure to use two sheets of A4-size or LTR-size documents when you make copies using the 2 on 1 copy function.

The edges of copies are dirty when you make copies.

QIs the paper size set correctly?

ASpecify the appropriate paper size in <PAPER SIZE> in <PAPER SETTINGS> of the Menu. (See "Specifying the Paper Size," on p. 2-8.)


