Puzzle (PUZZLE) | The image appears in 16 pieces. The |
| pieces move around until the puzzle is |
| solved. |
| The image is divided into 16 pieces. The |
| pieces move around and disappear. |
Zigzag (ZIGZAG) | The image appears in zigzag from the |
| top of the screen. |
| Black stripes appear in zigzag from the |
| bottom of the screen until they cover the |
| whole image. |
Beam (BEAM) | The screen turns yellow, forms a beam |
| that becomes thinner and the image |
| appears. |
| A yellow beam appears in the centre of |
| the screen and expands until it covers the |
| whole image. |
Tide (TIDE) | The image appears from both sides like |
| tides. |
| The image disappears from both sides |
| like tides. |
Recording | Advanced |
| - Functions |