


1.Can remote wall thermostats be used on No, only for use on remote control (RC,RP) models. How-

standard (AA) models?

ever, accessory RC-Retrofit Kit can be ordered to convert


standard units to RC units.

2.Which remote thermostats are acceptable HH01AD045 — Manual changeover thermostat


for use on 52C,P products?

TSTATCCBPC01-B (Heat/Cool) — Non-Programmable






TSTATCCBPH01-B (Heat Pump) — Non-Programmable






TSTATCCPAC01-B (Heat/Cool) — Digital Programmable






TSTATCCPHP01-B (Heat Pump) — Digital Programmable





How many 52C,P series units can be

Maximum of 4.


controlled by one remote thermostat?



What is the vent capacity of the

50 cfm (standalone). Capacity can be increased with the


52C,P products?

use of an external exhaust fan.

5.How do the 52C,P series models handle By using a 2-stage condensate removal system. First

condensate removal?

stage uses a slinger ring to pick up condensate and move


it to the outdoor coil to be evaporated. In second stage, a


vortex pump will suck condensate water into the con-


denser airstream where it will be blown onto the outdoor


coil for evaporation.

6.At what temperature will the outdoor When the outdoor coil temperature falls below 20 F

(defrost) thermostat switch the unit (heat

(outdoor ambient temperature of approximately 35 F)

pumps only) into defrost (emergency heat)

and will stay in a passive defrost until outdoor coil is


greater than 35 F.

7.Can the PTAC unit be configured to allow Yes. A switch located on the front of the control

continuous fan operation?

box is used to toggle between continuous or cycle


fan mode.

8.Can the discharge air grille be changed to Yes. Remove the 2 screws and flip the grille over

alter the direction of the airflow?

180 degrees.

9. What does the outdoor thermostat

The selector screw, located on the front of the control

switch do?

box, prevents the compressor from energizing in


heating mode during subfreezing conditions to ensure


adequate heating capacity. For units with unit-mounted


controls, the switch must be returned to the ‘‘heat pump’’


position for compressor operation during cooling modes.


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Carrier 52C manual Most Frequent Ptac Service Questions