3-14 Adit 3000 (Rel. 1.6) and MSR Card (Rel 2.0) GUI
Network Connections
Preconfigured Connections
Configuring a T1 (1-4)

The Configure T1 n (1-4) window displays all of the T1 configuration parameters and the default

settings for each. To configure a T1, select the Settings button, the Configuration window will

display. Field definitions for this window are as follows:

Field Definition
Device Name Displays the device name (t1-n).
Status Displays the current status.
Schedule Availability Defines when the T1 is available. An additional window will open
to create a Schedule Availability rule, which will then display in the
pulldown selection. Default is Always.
Connection Type Displays connection type (T1).

T1 Configuration

Circuit Identifier Display/edit the Circuit ID, default is Adit 3000.
Framing Type ESF - To Extended Superframe (ESF) framing.
D4 - To D4 Superframe (SF) framing.
Line Coding Alternate Mark Inversion line coding (AMI)
Binary 8 Zero Substitution line coding (B8ZS) - Default
Loop Code Detection Enable detection of CSU loop codes
Enable detection of NIU loop codes
Off - Default
Facilities Data Link None - Disable FDL output messages. Default.
T1.403 FDL - Enable T1.403 FDL performance messages.
fdlPMMsg - Enable FDL Performance Monitoring messages.
Line Build Out Sets the DS1 Line Build Out (LBO).
DSX-1 equalization for 0-133ft - Default
DSX-1 equalization for 133-266ft
DSX-1 equalization for 266-399ft
DSX-1 equalization for 399-533ft
DSX-1 equalization for 533-655ft
CSU attenuation for LBO of -7.5dB
CSU attenuation for LBO of -15dB
CSU attenuation for LBO of -22.5dB
Apply loopback to DS1
None (loopback disabled) - Disable loopback. Default
Line loopback enabled - Apply line loopback.
Payload loopback enabled - Apply payload loopback.
Idle Pattern A hexadecimal number with a range from 0x00 to 0xff. This
number must be preceeded by 0x.