2-22 Adit 3000 (Rel. 1.6) and MSR Card (Rel 2.0) GUI
Dynamic DNS
Using Dynamic DNS

1. Select Advanced/ Dynamic DNS.

2. Specify the Dynamic DNS operating parameters:

3. Select Apply or OK to save the configuration.

Field Definition
Connection to Update Select the connection to be used for the update from the pulldown
Offline Select the checkbox to work offline.
Status The status field displays relevant information regarding the information
exchange between the Adit and DDNS. The Manual Update button
invokes a manual update of the DDNS parameters. It is not advisable to
frequently update the DDNS parameters manually, since this may
cause unneccessary traffic on the DDNS servers.
User Name Enter your Dyndns user name.
Password Enter you Dyndns password.
Host Name Enter a subdomain name, and select a suffix from the domain combo-
box to define your host name.
The Name may not contain spaces. Only letters, digits, dash (-),
underscore (_) or a dot (.).
These special characters (- _ .) may not appear at the beginning or at the
end of a name.
The maximum length of a label (text between two dots) is 63.
Wildcard This allows a user to update DNS records for a specific sub-domain,
therefore not updating all sub-domains.
Mail Exchanger Enter your mail exchange server address, to redirect all E-mails
arriving at your Dyndns address to your mail server.
Backup MX Backup mail exchanger.