up in the field of view of the eyepiece). However, if any of the slower slew rates (rate 6 and below) are used to center an object in the finderscope, you may need to press the opposite directional button to make the telescope move in the correct direction.
1 = .5x
2= 1x (sidereal)
3= 4x
4= 8x
5= 16x
6 = 64x
7= .5º / sec
8= 2º / sec
9= 4º / sec
Nine available slew speeds
Setup Procedures
The CGE contains many user defined setup functions designed to give the user control over the telescope's many advanced features. All of the setup and utility features can be accessed by pressing the MENU key and scrolling through the options:
Tracking Mode This allows you to change the way the telescope tracks depending on the type of mount being used to support the telescope. The CGE has three different tracking modes:
EQ North Used to track the sky when the telescope is polar aligned in the
Northern Hemisphere.
EQ South Used to track the sky when the telescope is polar in the Southern
Off When using the telescope for terrestrial (land) observation, the tracking can be turned off so that the telescope never moves.
Tracking Rate In addition to being able to move the telescope with the hand control buttons, the CGE will continually track a celestial object as it moves across the night sky. The tracking rate can be changed depending on what type of object is being observed:
Sidereal This rate compensates for the rotation of the Earth by moving the telescope at the same rate as the rotation of the Earth, but in the opposite direction. When the telescope is polar aligned, this can be accomplished by moving the telescope in right ascension only. When mounted in
Lunar Used for tracking the moon when observing the lunar landscape.
Solar Used for tracking the Sun when solar observing.