A S S E M B L I N G Y O U R C R - 1 5 0 H D
Unpacking Your CR-150 HD
•20mm Plossl Ocular
•Star Diagonal
•2x Barlow Lens
•9x50mm Finder and Bracket
•Lens Cap with 112mm aperture stop
The second box contains the tripod, equatorial mount and the hardware needed to set it up. Included are the:
•Counterweight Bar
•Two 5.1Kg (11 lb.) Counterweights
•Declination (DEC) Slow Motion Knob
•Right Ascension (R.A.) Slow Motion Knob
•Adjustable Aluminium Tripod
•Accessory Tray
When setting up the telescope, find a large, clear area where the parts can be laid out without fear of losing them. Start with the tripod and mount. Remove the contents of the box and place them neatly on your work surface. Leave the optical tube in its box until you are ready to attach it to the mount. Once your