Step 16 From the LWAPP Transport Mode
Step 17 (Optional) In the RF Mobility Domain Name field, enter the name of the mobility group/ RF group to which you want the controller to belong.
Although the name that you enter here is assigned to both the mobility group and the RF group, these groups are not identical. Both groups define clusters of controllers, but they have different purposes. All of the controllers in an RF group are usually also in the same mobility group and the reverse. However, a mobility group facilitates scalable,
Step 18 In the Country Code field, enter the code for the country in which the controller will be used. See the table below the Country Code field for the list of available country codes.
Step 19 Click Next. The AP Manager Interface Configuration page appears.
Step 20 Enter the VLAN identifier, the IP address, the netmask, and the gateway for the controller