Installing and Upgrading Internal Modules in Cisco 2800 Series Routers
Replacing the Power Supply
Figure40 Connecting an ILP Cable in a Cisco 2811 Router
Step6 If you are finished installing modules, install the cover on the router. See the “Installing the Chassis
Cover” section on page51.
Installing a Power Supply in a Cisco 2821 or Cisco 2851 Router
Three types of power supplies are available for the Cisco2821 and Cisco 2851 routers:
An AC-input power supply, driven by external AC power
A DC-input power supply, driven by external DC power
An inline power (ILP) supply, driven by external AC power. This supply provides power for the
router and inline power for a complement of IP phones attached to the router.
The following sections describe how to install each type of power supply.
1ILP cable connector on the power supply 3ILP cable guides
2ILP cable connector on the motherboard