Port and Cable Information for Cisco2800 Series Routers
Preparing to Connect to a Network
For more information on BRI WAN interface cards, refer to the CiscoInterface Cards Installation Guide
online document on Cisco.com.
CSU/DSU ConnectionsCSU/DSU WAN interface cards (WICs) are available to provide switched-56-kbps connections or full
or fractionalized T1 connections.
For more information on CSU/DSU WICs, refer to the CiscoInterface Cards Installation Guide online
document on Cisco.com.
Copyright © 2004 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table3 ISDN BRI Cable Specifications
Specification High-Capacitance Cable Low-Capacitance Cable
Resistance (at 96 kHz) 160 ohms/km 160 ohms/km
Capacitance (at 1 kHz) 120 nF1/km
1. nF = nanoFarad
30 nF/km
Impedance (at 96 kHz) 75 ohms 150 ohms
Wire diameter 0.024 in. (0.6 mm) 0.024 in. (0.6 mm)
Distance limitation 32.8 ft (10 m) 32.8 ft (10 m)
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