Power Up and Initial Configuration Procedures for Cisco 2800 Series Routers
Configuring the Router
FastEthernet0/1 unassigned NO unset up dow

Step8 Select one of the available interfaces for connecting the router to the management network:

Enter interface name used to connect to the
management network from the above interface summary: fastethernet0/0

Step9 Respond to the following prompts as appropriate for your network:

Configuring interface FastEthernet0/0:
Use the 100 Base-TX (RJ-45) connector? [yes]: yes
Operate in full-duplex mode? [no]: no
Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: yes
IP address for this interface:
Subnet mask for this interface [] :
Class B network is, 16 subnet bits; mask is /16
The configuration is displayed:
The following configuration command script was created:
hostname Router
enable secret 5 $1$D5P6$PYx41/lQIASK.HcSbfO5q1
enable password xxxxxx
line vty 0 4
password xxxxxx
snmp-server community public
no ip routing
interface FastEthernet0/0
no shutdown
media-type 100BaseX
ip address
interface FastEthernet0/1
no ip address

Step10 Respond to the following prompts. Select [2] to save the initial configuration:

[0] Go to the IOS command prompt without saving this config.
[1] Return back to the setup without saving this config.
[2] Save this configuration to nvram and exit.
Enter your selection [2]: 2
Building configuration...
Use the enabled mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration.
Press RETURN to get started!
The user prompt appears.

Step11 Verify the initial configuration. See the “Verifying the Initial Configuration” section on page9 for

verification procedures.