ILMI Address Registration Problems: %LANE−3−NOREGILMI
Document ID: 10450
Components Used
Associated Error Message
Network Diagram
Checking ILMI
ILMI Status
When ILMI is Disabled on the Switch Interface
Access List Configuration Problems or ILMI Community Configured as Read−Only Known Caveats
If the Switch Knows the NSAP Address
When the NSAP Address Is Configured Statically on the Switch
When the NSAP Address Is Registered via ILMI by Another Device
Configuration Problems
Related Information
This document explains how to troubleshoot Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI) address registration problems on Cisco devices when using LAN emulation (LANE).
The ILMI protocol uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) format packets across the User−Network Interface (UNI) to access an ILMI Management Information Base (MIB) associated with the link within each node. The ILMI protocol facilitates network−wide auto configuration by allowing adjacent nodes to determine each other's characteristics. Examples of these characteristics are the size of each other's connection space, the type of signaling used (UNI or NNI), type of link (public or private) and hooks for network management autodiscovery.
ILMI is also used for address registration.
There are no specific requirements for this document.
Components Used
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
Cisco − ILMI Address Registration Problems: %LANE−3−NOREGILMI