Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes
CiscoIPPhoneResponse 3-19
CiscoIPPhoneError 3-19
Custom Softkeys 3-19
XML Considerations 3-20
Mandatory Escape Sequences 3-21
XML Encoding 3-21
Application Event Handlers 3-22
4Component APIs 4-1
Application Management API 4-1
RTP Streaming API 4-1
Interaction Rules with Legacy RTP URI Streams 4-2
RTP Streaming Schema 4-2
Error Schema 4-4
Examples 4-5
Errors and Responses 4-5
5Internal URI Features 5-1
Supported URIs by Phone Model 5-1
Device Control URIs 5-2
Key 5-2
Unsupported Key URIs and Alternate Options 5-4
Display 5-5
XML Displayable Object URIs 5-6
SoftKey 5-6
QueryStringParam 5-7
Multimedia URIs 5-9
RTP Streaming 5-9
RTPRx 5-10
RTPTx 5-11
RTPMRx 5-11
RTPMTx 5-11
Play 5-12
Vibrate 5-12
Telephony URIs 5-13
Dial 5-13
EditDial 5-14
SendDigits 5-14