memory variables. See Example 5.
* [ STO ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y lets you store values to
* [ 2nd ] [ RCL ] or [ ALPHA ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y
recalls the value of variable.
* [ 0 ] [ STO ] + A ~ F , M , or X ~ Y clears the content
to a speci ed memory variable.
* [ 2nd ] [ Mcl ] [ = ] clears all variables.


This calculator uses memory areas, called “ stacks “, to temporarily
store values (numeric stack) and commands (command stack ) ac-
cording to their precedence during calculations. The numeric stack
has 10 levels and command stack has 24 levels. A stack error (Stk
ERROR) occurs whenever you try to perform a calculation that is so
complex that the capacity of a stack is exceeded.

Order of operations

Each calculation is performed in the following order of precedence :
1) Coordinates transformation.
2) Type A functions which are required entering values before
pressing the function key, for example, x 2, , x !, x –1.
3) ,
4) Fractions.
5) Abbreviated multiplication format in front of variables, π.
6) Type B functions which are required pressing the function
key before entering, for example, sin, cos, tan, sin –1, cos –1,
tan –1, sinh, cosh, tanh, sinh –1, cosh –1, tanh –1, log, ln, 10 X ,
e X, , , ( – ).
7) Abbreviated multiplication format in front of Type B functions
, Alog2, etc.
8) nPr, nCr
9) x , ÷
10) +,
When functions with the same priority are used in series,
execution is performed from right to left.
X ln120e X { ln (120 ) }
otherwise, execution is from left to right.
Compound functions are executed from right to left.
Anything contained within parentheses receives the highest

Accuracy and Capacity

Output digits : Up to 10 digits.
Calculating digits : Up to 15 digits