Upgrade from 2.2.x to 4.2
Hypervisor Description
VMware, choose All Zones to make the template available in
all the VMware zones.
Hypervisor: VMware
Format: OVA
OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (32-bit) (or the highest
Debian release number available in the dropdown)
Extractable: no
Password Enabled: no
Public: no
Featured: no
e. Watch the screen to be sure that the template downloads successfully and enters the READY
state. Do not proceed until this is successful
f. If you use more than one type of hypervisor in your cloud, repeat these steps to download the
system VM template for each hypervisor type.
If you do not repeat the steps for each hypervisor type, the upgrade will fail.
5. (KVM on RHEL 6.0, 6.1) If your existing CloudPlatform deployment includes one or more clusters
of KVM hosts running RHEL 6.0 or RHEL 6.1, you must first upgrade the operating system version
on those hosts before upgrading CloudPlatform itself.
Run the following commands on every KVM host.
a. Download the CloudPlatform 4.2.0 RHEL 6.3 binaries from https://www.citrix.com/English/ss/
b. Extract the binaries:
# cd /root
# tar xvf CloudPlatform-4.2.0-1-rhel6.3.tar.gz
c. Create a CloudPlatform 4.2 qemu repo:
# cd CloudPlatform-4.2.0-1-rhel6.3/6.3
# createrepo .
d. Prepare the yum repo for upgrade. Edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel63.repo. For example: