Chapter 15. Amazon Web Service Interface
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
The noReboot parameter is not
ec2-deregister DeregisterImage DeleteTemplate
ec2-describe-images DescribeImages listTemplates
For the optional parameter
architecture, use the
CloudPlatform format rather
than the EC2 format. The
CloudPlatform format includes
the template format, zone, OS
type, hypervisorm and required
parameters. For example,
5.3 (64-bit):xenserver'.
RegisterImage registerTemplate
Table 15.4. Image Attributes
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
ec2-describe-image-attribute DescribeImageAttribute listTemplatePermissions
ec2-modify-image-attribute ModifyImageAttribute updateTemplatePermissions
ec2-reset-image-attribute ResetImageAttribute updateTemplatePermissions
Table 15.5. Instances
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
In addition to the EC2 VM
states, can also return a
CloudPlatform error state.
Known issue: The
CloudPlatform device ID of
0, which represents a root
volume, does not map to
any EC2 device name to be
returned in the command
DescribeInstances listVirtualMachines
ec2-reboot-instances RebootInstances rebootVirtualMachine
ec2-run-instances RunInstances deployVirtualMachine
ec2-start-instances StartInstances startVirtualMachine
ec2-stop-instances StopInstances stopVirtualMachine
ec2-terminate-instances TerminateInstances destroyVirtualMachine
Table 15.6. Instance Attributes
EC2 command SOAP / REST call CloudPlatform API call
In addition to the EC2 VM
states, can also return a
CloudPlatform error state.
DescribeInstanceAttribute listVirtualMachines