Preparatory dialing
Enter the phone number and lift up the corded handset or press <SPEAKER- PHONE> to dial the number. Press <CLEAR/MUTE> to clear the entry when entering the number.
Note: To insert a pause in the dialling sequence, press and hold the <RD/P> button, the screen will then show a “P” in the number.
Direct dialing
Lift up the corded handset or press <SPEAKERPHONE> to take the line and enter the phone number.
Call from the directory
Press <UP> to access the Directory and press <UP/DOWN> to select the desired directory entry. Lift up the corded handset or press <SPEAKERPHONE> to dial out to the selected directory entry. Alternatively, press <OK/MENU> to access the directory to get the desired directory entry.
Call from the CID
Press <DOWN> to access the CID and press <UP/DOWN> to select the desired CID entry. Lift up the corded handset or press <SPEAKERPHONE> to dial out to the selected CID entry. Alternatively, press <OK/MENU> to access the CID from the main menu.
NOTE: see sections on Caller Display and Settings for further details on CID.
Call from the redial list
Press <RD/P> to access the redial list and press <UP/DOWN> to select the desired redial number. Lift up the corded handset or press <SPEAKERPHONE> to dial out to the selected redial number.
Call timer
Your phone automatically times the duration of every call. The call timer will display a few seconds after the call has made. It is shown in hours, minutes and seconds format (HH:MM:SS).