Page 20 Coby Electronics Cor poration
Menu Options
Photo Mode Menu
Menu item Function
Resolution Select the image resolution. Opt ions include:
[8M]3264 x 2448
[3M]2048 x 1536
[1M]1024 x 768
[VGA]640 x 480
NOTE: A lower image resolution will re sult in a smaller
file size.
Quality Select the image quality (Fin e, Super Fine, or Normal .)
A lower image quality will result in a smalle r le size.
Metering Adjust the exposure of the image by desi gnating a refer-
ence area within the frame. Options inc lude:
Center: The exposure will be calcula ted based on light in
the central area of the frame. This optio n is suitable for
general use.
Multi: The exposure will be calculate d based on the aver-
age light throughout the frame.
Spot: The exposure will be calculate d based on the light i n
the very center of the frame.
White Balance Adjust the white balance to current ligh t conditions.
Options include: Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Fluo rescent, or
Exposure Set the exposure value manually t o compensate for un -
usual lighting conditions such as indi rect indoor lig hting,
dark backgrounds, or strong backli ghting. The expo sure
value range is –2.0 to 2.0.