www.cobyusa.com Page 33
Important Safet y Instructions
Read Instructions: All t he safety and op erating in structions should b e 1.
read before the product is ope rated.
Retain Instru ctions: The safety and o perating instructi ons sh ould b e 2.
retained for future referenc e.
Heed Warnings: All w arnings on the product and in the operating in-3.
structions should be adher ed to.
Follow Instructions: All operating and usage in structions s hould be fol -4.
Cleaning: Unplug this product fr om the wall outlet before cleaning. D o not 5.
use liquid cleaners or aeros ol cleaners. Use a d amp cloth for cle aning.
Attachments: Use only attachments rec ommended by the manufacturer. 6.
Use of other attachments may be h azardous.
Water and Moi sture: Do not us e this product near wate r (e.g., n ear a 7.
bath tub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundr y tub, in wet basements, or near
a swimming pool and the like).
Ventilation: Slots a nd openings in the c abinet are provided fo r ventila-8.
tion to ens ure relia ble oper ation of the product and to protect it fro m
overheating. Thes e openings should never be blocked by plac ing the
product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This prvo duct
should not be placed in a built-in install ation such as a bookcase or rac k
unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacture r instru ctions
have been adhered to.
Power Sources: This product should be o perated only fr om the type 9.
of power source indic ated on the rating label. If you are not sure of the
type of power supply to your h ome, consult your product dealer o r local
power company. For products intended to operate fro m battery power or
other sources, refer to the ope rating instruct ions.
Overloading: D o not overl oad wall ou tlets, ex tension cords, or integral con-10.
venience receptacles as t his can result in a ri sk of re or electr ic shock.
Object and Liquid Entry: Never push object s of any kind into this product 11.
through openings as they m ay tap dan gerous volta ge points or shout-
out parts that could re sult in a re or ele ctric shock. N ever spill liquid o f
any kind on the product.
Servicing: Do not attempt to service this p roduct yoursel f as opening or 12.
removing covers may expos e you to dangero us voltage or ot her haz-
ards. Refer all servicing to q ualied servic e personnel.
Safety Notices