Disc Requirements
This DVD player supports playback of the follow ing discs.
Type Disc Mark Content Type Disc Size Capacity
DVD-Video Discs Audio + Video
(moving picture) 12 cm
4.7GB / 2 hr (SS-SL)
8.5GB / 4hr (SS-DL)
9.4GB / 4.5hr (DS-SL)
17GB / 8hr (DS-DL)
Audio Compact Discs (CDs) Audio 12 cm 650MB / 74min
JPEG CDs -- Still Picture 12 cm --
SS=Single-Sided; DS=Doubl e-Sided; SL=Single Layer; DL=Double-Laye r.
This unit can play back CD-R and CD-RW discs that contain audio titles or JPEG picture les. Discs
not listed above are not supported by this unit (eg, PC CD-ROM, CD-Extra, CD-G, CD-I, etc.)
DVD Feature Symbols
DVD discs may contain various features that depend on the production of the disc. These features
are represented by the symbols below.
DVD Region Codes
DVD discs and DVD players are manufactured under an worldwide agreement, the DVD Regional
Code System, so that players w ill operate only with disc s with the same Regional Code that cor-
responds with the player’s.
Code Region
1 Canada, USA
2Europe (includes Poland, Romania, Cze ch Republic), Japan, Middle East (i ncludes
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, South Af rica)
3 East Asia (includes Hong Ko ng, Taiwan, South Korea), Southeast Asi a
4 Australia, Caribbean, C entral America, Sou th America, Mexico, Ne w Zealand
5Africa, the Former Soviet Union , India, North Korea, Paki stan, Turkmenistan
6 China