Repeat Mode
Press REPEAT to change the repeat mode of the player. Each succes sive press of REPEAT will
change the mode as follows:
Some DVD discs do not allow Repeat mode.
Repeat A-B Mode
To repeat playback of a specic section of a disc (loop):
Press A-B to set the desired start p oint (“A”) of the section to be repeated.
Press A-B again to set the desired end point ( “B” of the section to be repeated.
The section “A-B” will now play repeatedly a s a loop. Press A-B again to resume nor mal
Multi-Angle/Subti tle/Audio
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with multiple angles, press ANGLE to view
the available alternate camera angles. (A DVD may have up to 9 se lectable angles.)
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with subtitles, press SUBTITLE to view the
available subtitle tracks. (A DVD may have up to 32 selectabl e subtitles.)
During playback of a DVD that has b een mastered with al ternate language tracks, press
LANGUAGE to hear the alternate tracks. (A DVD may have up to 8 selectable language
During playback of a DVD that has been mastered with a lternate audio tracks, press AUDIO
to hear the alternate tracks.
Press ZOOM to change the magnication level of t he picture.
During DVD playback, each successive press of ZOOM will change the level of magnication
to: Zoom 2x, Zoom 4x, Normal.
During JPEG CD playbac k, each success ive press
of ZOOM will change the level of m agnication to:
25%, 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%.
When the magnication level is greater than N or-
mal/100%, use the NAVIGATION buttons to pan
around the magnied picture.
Note: The picture quality will decrease as th e zoom level increases.
Track Disc Off
Track Folder Off
Chapter Title Disc Off