Enter Setup mode to ad just the various int ernal settings of the player. Make sure t he player has
been completely stopped before entering S etup mode.
Press SETUP to enter Setup mode.
Use the NAVIGATION buttons to select a desired item.
Press ENTER to conrm a selection.
Press SETUP to exit Setup mode (or select EXIT an d press ENTER).
Language Setup
Use the NAVIGATION but tons to highlig ht the desired language selectio n and press ENTER to
Item Description Options (Default is in Bold)
OSD Sets the language of the player’s on-
screen display. English, French, German, Spanish
Menu Sets the default menu language of
loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean, Others
Audio Sets the default language audio track
of loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean, Others
Subtitle Sets the default subtitle track of
loaded DVDs.
English, Chinese, Japanese, French,
German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,
Hindi, Thai, Russian, Korean, Others
Screen Setup
Use the NAVIGATION buttons to highlight the desired screen selection and press ENTER to conrm.
Item Descriptio n Options (Default is in Bold)
TV Type* Sets the aspect ratio of the display. 4:3 PS (Pan & Scan), 4:3 LB (Letter
Box), 16:9 (Widescreen)
Screen Saver The screensaver prevents burn-in
damage to the player’s screen. On, Off
TV System Sets the player’s Video Out signal type.
Set this to correspond with your TV. NTSC, PAL, Auto
Video Out
Sets which of the player’s Video Out
jacks are in use. (CVBS=RCA Com-
posite; P-Scan=Component Video)
YUV P-Scan
Brightness Select a preset screen brightness. Normal, Bright, Soft
Contrast Adjust the screen’s contrast. -4 to +4 (0 is default)
*This setting will not affect DVDs th at have been preformatted for a speci c screen size..