www.cobyusa.com Page 21
Do not point bright lights directly at the remote con-
trol sensor.
Do not place objects between the remote control
unit and the remote control sensor.
Do not use this remote control unit while simultane-
ously operating the remote control unit of any other
Batteries in the remote will last for approximately 6
months under normal use. Replace the batteries if
the remote control does not work. Do not mix old
with new batteries, or different types of batteries.
To avoid damage from possible battery leakage, re-
move the batteries from the remote if it will not be
used for an extended period of time.
 Thebatteryusedinthisdevicemaypresentareor
chemical burn if mistreated. Do not recharge, disas-
semble, incinerate, or heat the battery (~212ºF).
Keep batteries away from children.
Location of Controls