www.cobyusa.com Page 63
Set the language options.
Menu Item Description Default Setting
OSD Language Sets the language of the player’s on-
screen display. English
Menu Sets the default menu language of
loaded DVDs. English
Audio Sets the default language audio track of
loaded DVDs. English
Subtitle Sets the default subtitle track of loaded
DVDs. English
ScreenSaver The screensaver prevents burn-in dam-
age to television displays. On
Default Reset Reset all options to their factory-default state.
Set the display options.
Menu Item Description Default Setting
Aspect Ratio
Sets the aspect ratio of the display.
16:9 is used with widescreen televi-
sion displays.
4:3 L-Box (Letterbox) is used with
standard television displays.
4:3 PS (Pan & Scan) is used with
standard television displays.
4:3 L-Box
DVD Mode