Linux Installation and Configuration Guide for AlphaServer | 23 |
Compaq AlphaServer DS20
Hardware Options
Tested Saleable Hardware Options
Tested saleable hardware options for the DS20 is outlined in Table 1. All of the systems used come equipped with standard
Table 2. Tested Saleable Options List
Compaq PN | Description | Comments |
DS20 Power Supply |
| |
DS20 6/500 SMP UPG Linux only |
| |
DS20 128MB Memory Option |
| |
DS20 256MB Memory Option |
| |
DS20 512MB Memory Option |
| |
DS20 1GB Memory Option |
| |
PCI 1 CH 10/100 Ethernet | Red Hat - Use DE4*5 or Tulip driver | |
PCI 4 CH 10/100 Ethernet | Red Hat - Use DE4*5 or Tulip driver | |
9.1 GB UltraSCSI 7200RPM |
| |
9.1 GB UltraSCSI 10000 RPM |
| |
18.2 GB UltraSCSI 7200 RPM |
| |
18.2 GB UltraSCSI 10000 RPM |
| |
| UltraSCSI, 2 CH, SE, 1 CH 10/100 | Need the 2.2.12 kernel from ftp site to perform install. |
| Ethernet |
UltraSCSI, 1 CH, SE |
| |
UltraSCSI, 1CH, Diff. |
| |
| Elsa Gloria 8MB | use XF86_3DLabs |
For Alpha Systems QuickSpecs: | |
For Alpha Systems Supported Options List: