Getting Help
If you have a problem not addressed in this guide, you can get further information and other help in the following locations.
Compaq Technical Support
In North America, call Compaq Computer Support at
✎Formonitored.continuous quality improvement, calls may be recorded or
Outside North America, call the nearest Compaq Computer Support. Telephone numbers for Compaq Computer Support are listed on the Compaq Web site. Access the Compaq Web site by logging on to the Internet at http://www.compaq.com. Select your country or region from the
Be sure to have the following items and information available before you call Compaq:
■Your tablet PC
■Your Tablet PC Docking Station
■Keyboard (if applicable)
■Serial numbers of all Compaq hardware (located on the product identification labels attached to the hardware)
■Purchase date on the invoice
Tablet PC TC1000 Docking Station Reference Guide |