¾ To exit press the stop button.
¾ The video is now stored on the Compact flash card as a MOV file. This type
of file can be played using QuickTime video player. You can download this
program for free from www.quicktime.com.
Other Archiving Methods
¾ Other methods of archiving may include Powercon software which can be
found on our ftp site ( ). You may also use our Hard Drive
reader (model number: EPR100) which you can hook to the usb port of a
computer. The third option to archive would be to use our DVD recorder
(model number: VPDVD100).
Viewing a Copied File
¾ First step is to play the video or image you have stored on the Compact Flash
card is to take the Compact Flash card and insert it into the Compact Flash
Reader which came with your digital recorder. Insert the other end of the Flash
card reader into the USB port of your computer.
¾ Open up My computer in windows and you will notice a new drive has been
added to the computer. This is the Compact flash card. To view the files
simply click on the drive to open it and you will see the files you archived.
¾ The video stored on the Compact flash card is a MOV file. This type of file
can be played using QuickTime video player. You can download this program
for free from www.quicktime.com.