Sequence Setting Menu
Diagram 11
Diagram eleven is a screen shot of the Sequence Setting Menu. This menu is for setting
up the way in which video is sequenced through the main monitor and call monitor
outputs. In the Sequence Setting Menu the following fields are defined as follows:
¾ Main Monitor: This field is to set the sequence for the main monitor
Dwell Time: This field represents the rate at which the cameras will
sequence on the main monitor. The dwell time for the auto sequence
can be set from 0 to 99 seconds. To change this, simply use the arrow
keys on the DVR which also represent the channel 1-4 keys (These are
the top four buttons). Use the up and down arrow keys to make your
Seq with Quad: This field is to turn on or off the quad screen when
the auto sequence mode is on. The default is set to yes. To turn it off
simple change to no. To change this, simply use the arrow keys on the
DVR which also represent the channel 1-4 keys (These are the top
four buttons). Use the up and down arrow keys to make your