3.2.4 Fragmentation Threshold
In case of interference in the wireless channel, or weak coverage, the Corinex Wire- less G USB Mini Adapter can fragment frames to optimize performance. It will divide the frames into smaller pieces and send them separately to the recipient. Only data packets are fragmented, the broadcast and multicast packets are transmitted un- changed.
The threshold value means the maximum size of an unfragmented packet. Any frame larger than that threshold will be fragmented. If there are no packet losses in the wireless media, the value should be unchanged. If you experience collisions, try to lower the threshold to approx. 1000 bytes. If the network performs well at this setting, you can try higher values until you find the optimal performance.
The default value of the threshold is 2346 bytes.
3.2.5 RTS/CTS
The 802.11 standard includes the RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) func-
tion to control access of the wireless stations to the wireless medium. If two wire- 28 less stations are transmitting packets to the access point at the same time, the access
point will not be able to handle both, and one of the stations will have to repeat the transmission.
If the RTS/CTS function is enabled, the station will initiate a handshake with the destination device (access point). After the access point finishes all pending opera- tions, it confirms that the station can send the packet. This improves performance by avoiding repeat transmissions of the same data.
The threshold value is the maximum size of a packet which can be sent without ac- tivating the RTS/CTS handshake. Sending a packet with a size larger than the thresh- old value will activate the RTS/CTS handshake before transmission can begin.
Since the RTS/CTS function is only initiated on the client side, these settings can be ignored while the Corinex Wireless G USB Mini Adapter is set to Access Point mode.
By default, the RTS/CTS function is disabled– the threshold is set to 2347 bytes.