temperatures above 130°F will require

water spray cooling.

Do not expose cylinders to electricity of any kind.

Do not use a cylinder or its contents for anything other than its intended use. Do not use as a support or roller.

Do not locate cylinders in passageways

or work area where they may be struck.

Do not use a wrench or hammer to open a cylinder valve that cannot be opened b3i-hand. Notify your supplier.

D_ not modify or exchange gas cylinder fittings.

Do not deface or alter name, number or other markings on a cylinder. Do not rely

on cylinder color to identify the contents.

Do not connect a regulator to a cylinder containing gas other than that for which the regulator was designed.

Do not attempt to make regulator repairs. Send faulty regulators to manufacturer's designated repair center for repair.

Do not attempt to lubricate a regulator. Always change cylinders carefully to prevent leaks and damage to their walls, valves, or safety devices.

Always secure cylinders with a steel chain so that they cannot be knocked over.

Always protect a cylinder, especially the valve, from bumps, falls, falling objects and weather. Remember that gasses in the cylinders are under pressure and damage to a regulator can cause the regulator or portion of the regulator to be explosively ejected from the cylinder. Always make certain the cylinder cap is securely in place on the cylinder, whenever the cylinder is moved.

Always close the cylinder valve and immediately remove a faulty regulator from service, for repair, if any of the following conditions exist.

Gas leaks externally.

Delivery pressure continues to rise with down stream valve closed.

The gauge pointer does not move off the stop pin when pressurized or fails to

return to the stop pin after pressure is released.



For additional information concerning welding safety, refer to the following standards and comply with them as


ANSI Standard Z49.1 - SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING - obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 NW Le Jeune Road, Miamil FL 33126 Telephone (800) 443-9353,

Fax (30_) 443-7559 - www.amweld.org or www.,_ws:org

ANSI Standard Z87.1 - SAFE PRAC-

TICE FOR OCCUPATION AND EDUCATIONAL EYE AND FACE PROTECTION - obtainable from the American National Standards Institute,

11West 42nd St., New York, NY 10036 Telephone (212) 642-4900,

Fax (212) 398-0023 - www.ansi.org

NFPA Standard 51B - CUTTING AND WELDING PROCESS - obtainable from the National Fire Protection Association,

1Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-9101

Telephone (617) 770-3000

Fax (617) 770-0700 - www.nfpa.org

OSHAStandard 29 CFR, Part 1910, Subpart Q., WELDING, CUTTING AND BRAZING - obtainable from your state OSHA office or U.S. Dept. of Labor OSHA, Office of Public Affairs, Room N3647, 200 Constitution Ave., Washington, DC 20210 - www.osha.gov

CSA Standard Wl17.2 - Code for

SAFETY IN WELDING AND CUTTING. - obtainable from Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Blvd., Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 1R3 - www.csa.ca

American Welding Society Standard

A6.0. WELDING AND CUTTING CONTAINERS WHICH HAVE HELD COMBUSTIBLES. - obtainable from the American Welding Society, 550 NW Le Jeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 Telephone (800) 443-9353,

Fax (305) 443-7559 - www.amweld.org or www.aws.org


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Craftsman 196.20569 owner manual Temperatures above 130F will require, Additional Safety Information