BEFOREusingtheTwinCutterSawforthefirst time, ALWAYS familiarize yourself
with the saw by making practicecuts in scrap materials.
The weight of this saw helps to make the cuts smoother.Learn how to safely handle and controlthe weight of the saw.
ALWAYS be sure that you positionthe blades perpendicularto the plane of the workpiece. Make the cut at an approximate30° angle to the workpiece surface. (See Fig. 5).
Practice the properfeed speed rate for the materials being cut.The blades spinat a consistent 5500 RPM
Engage the on/off switchto start the saw.To engage, press down on the back of the switch, then push forward. ALWAYS let the blades reach full speed beforeyou begin the cut into the workpiece.
IMPORTANT: When using your saw, ALWAYS stay alert and exercise control.
DO NOT remove your saw from the workpiece, while the blade Is moving.
Blades perpendicular to workplece
Approximately 30 °
maintain proper controlof the saw
to make sawing safer and easier. Loss of control of the saw could
cause an accident resulting in possible serious injury.
Fig. 7
| Correct |
NEVER hold the saw with just | ALWAYS hold saw by motor body and |
one hand (see Fig. 6). | assisthandle (see Fig. 7). |