_Always unplug rotary tool
before changing acces-
sories, changing collets or servicing your rotary tool.
beidentified by the rings on thebackend of collet./
1/32" C0llet hasone (1) | ring. | |
1/16" C011ethastwo (2) | rings. | |
3/32" C011ethas three (3) rings. | ||
1/8 "Collet hasno rings. | J |
lock engages the shaft preventing further rotation.
Do not engage lock while the Rotary Tool is running.
With the shaft lock engaged use the collet wrench to loosen the collet nut if necessary. Change accessories by inserting the new one into the collet as far as possible to minimize runout and unbalance. With the shaft lock engaged, finger tighten the collet nut until the accessory shank is gripped by the collet. Avoid excessive tightening of the collet nut. The collet system is a superior method of securing accessories.
you plan to use. Never force a larger diameter shank into a collet.
precision work, it is important that all accessories be in good balance (much the same as the tires on your automobile). To true up or balance an accessory, slightly loosen collet nut and give the accessory Or
collet a 1/4 turn. Retighten collet nut and run the Rotary Tool. You should be able to tell by the sound and feel if your accessory is running in balance. Continue adjusting in this fashion until best balance is achieved. To maintain balance on abrasive wheel points, before each use, with the wheel point secured in the collet, turn on the Rotary Tool and run the Dressing Stone lightly against the revolving wheel point. This removes high
spots and trues up the wheel point for good balance.
The hanger is provided for the use of hanging your tool while using the
Remember, your new Craftsman Rotary Tool is the finest power tool of its kind. But its
performance is only as good as the accessories with which it is used.
We recommend only Craftsman
accessories be used. Use of any other accessories may create a hazard. We hope you'll enjoy many years of trouble free
pleasure from your Sears Craftsman Rotary Power Toot.