ThepurposeofsafetysymbolsIstoattractyourattentiontopossibledangers,Thesafetysymbols,and theexplanationswiththem,deserveyourcarefulattentionand understanding. The safety warnings do
not by themselves eliminate any danger, The Instructions or warnings they give are not substitutes for proper a©old<mt prevention measures.
Indicateswamingor caution.May be usedin conjunctionwithothersymbolsor pictographs.
&WARNING: Failureto obey a safetywarningcan resultin sedousinjuryto yourselfor to others. Alwaysfoltowthe safety precautionsto reducethe dskof fire, eldctdcshockandpersonalinjury.
& | CAUllON: | Failure to obey a safety warning may result in properly damage | or personal injury to |
| yourself or to others. Always follow the safety precautions to reduce the dsk of tire, electric shock | ||
| and pemonai | injury. |
NOTE: | Advises you | of information or instructions vital to the operation or maintenance | of the equipment. |
_ WARNING: Do not attempt to operate this tool until you have read thoroughly and understand completely all instructions, safety rules, etc. contained in this manual. Failure to comply can reautt in accidents involving tire, electdc shock,
or serious personal _nJury. Save owner'smanual and review frequently for continuing safe operation, and instructing others who may use this toot.
manual carefully. Learn its applications and limitations as well as the specific potential hazards related to this tool.
GUARD AGAINST ELECTRICAL SHOCK by preventing body contact with grounded surfaces. For example: Pipes, radiators, ranges, refdgera- tot e_ures.
BKEEP WORK AREA CLEAN. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents.
B AVOID DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENT, Don_ use power tool in damp or wet locations or expose to rain. Keep work area waif lit.
KEEP CHILDREN AND VISITORS AWAY. All visitors should wear safety glasses and be kept a safe distance from work area. Do not let visitors contact tool or extension cord.
nSTORE IDLE TOOLS. When not in use tools
should be stored in a dry and high or
BDON'TFORCE TOOL. It willdo thejob better and safer at the rate forwhichitwas designed.
BUSE RIGHT TOOL. Don'tforce small tool or attachment to do the job of a heavy duty tool.
Don'tuse tool for purpose not intended - for example - A circutar saw should never be used for cuffing tree limbs or logs.
MWEAR PROPER APPAREL. Do not wear Icose clothing or jewelry that can get caught in tool's moving parts and cause personal iniury. Rubber gloves and nonskid footwear are recommended when working outdoors, Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair and keep it from being drawn into nearby air vents,
MALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES. Everyday eyeglasses have only
MPROTECT YOUR LUNGS. Wear a face mask or dust mask if operation is dusty,
MPROTECT YOUR HEARING. Wear headng protectionduringextendedpadedsof operation,
MSECURE WORK. Use clamps or a vise to hold work. It'ssafer than using your hand and it frees both bends to operate tool.
DON'T OVERREACH. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Do not use on a ladder or
unstable support,
WRENCHES. Form habit of checking to see that keys and adjusting wrenches are removed from tool before turning it on,