AWARNING: Alwayswear safety gogglesor safelygla_es with skle shieldswhenoperating tools. Failureto do an couldresultIn objects beingthrownInto youreyes, resultingin possible sadous injury.
,_ WARNING: Do notallowferniliadty with your drillto make youcarein_s. Renlemberthat a
carelessfractionof 8 secondis sufficientto inflict severe injury,
"l_e batteryl_ickfortlgstool has hae_ shlpbad in a lowchargecondl_m to preventpossibleproblems.
Therefore,yo,Jshouldcharge Itat least3 to 5 houm pdorto usa.
Note: Batterieswillnot rsashfullchargetha flrcttirne they arecharged.Allowsaveral cycles(drilling fcllowedby recharging)tor thamto bacome fulty charged.
•Charge batterypack onlywith the chargerand chargingstandprovided.
•Meb sum powor 8upply 18 norms! houeo voJtage, 120 voR8, SOHz, AC only.
•Connect charger to power supply.
•Place battery pack in charging stand. Align raised rib on battery pack with groove in charging stand.
See F/gum 1.
•Press down on battery pack to be sure contacts on battery pack engage propelly with contacts in charging stand.
•When propedy connected, the red light on charging stand will turn on.
•Ne_ _she_r doesn_xct_ge baaeryppck,rctum
hatterybackcharg. _randand.shaft toyour
nearest Sears Reppir Center for elec_ceJ check.
• Nter nom_ usage, 3 to 5 hours of _ | time is |
req,Jredtoba_=ychargedAm. _rnurnchargerneo5
hourssreq_redtorechargecompl_ d_charged
•The battery pack will become slightly warm to the touch while charging. This is normal and does not
Indlc_e a problem.
•Do not place charger in an area of extreme heat or cold. It will work best at normal room temperature.
•When battades become fully charged, unplug charger from power supply.