CPEx GX-333-X

CyberResearch® CPU Cards


The Capacity specification tells the user the storage capacity of the HDD installed in the system.


The Cylinder specification tells the user how many cylinders (tracks) are on the HDD installed in the system.


The Head specification tells the user how many logical heads are on the HDD installed in the system.


The Precomp specification tells the user on what track the write pre-compensation begins.

ÎLanding Zone

The Landing Zone specification tells the user where the disk head will park itself after the system powers off.


The Sector specification tells the user how many logical sectors the HDD has been divided into.

Advanced BIOS Features

The Advanced BIOS Features menu allows you to access CPU and peripheral device configuration options.

Once the Advanced BIOS Features menu is selected, two menu options and a host of configuration options are available. The two menu options are:


CPU Feature


Hard Disk Boot Priority

To access these menus, use the arrow keys to select the menu option and press the “ENTERbutton. The menu will appear below.

ÎVirus Warning [Disabled]

When this item is enabled, the BIOS will monitor the boot sector and partition table of the HDD for any attempt at modification. If an attempt is made, the BIOS will halt the system and an error message will appear. Afterwards, if necessary, you will be able to run an anti-virus program to locate and remove the problem before any damage is done.



Activates automatically when the system boots up



causing a warning message to appear when anything



attempts to access the boot sector or HDD partition





Disabled (Default)

No warning message will appear when anything attempts



to access the boot sector or HDD partition table.


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