CY8C24223A, CY8C24423A
Additional System Resources
System Resources, some of which have been previously listed, provide additional capability useful to complete systems. Additional resources include a multiplier, decimator, switch mode pump, low voltage detection, and power on reset. Brief statements describing the merits of each system resource follow:
■Digital clock dividers provide three customizable clock frequencies for use in applications. The clocks can be routed to both the digital and analog systems. Additional clocks can be generated using digital PSoC blocks as clock dividers.
■A multiply accumulate (MAC) provides a fast
■The decimator provides a custom hardware filter for digital signal processing applications including the creation of Delta Sigma ADCs.
■The I2C module provides 100 and 400 kHz communication over two wires. Slave, master, and
■Low Voltage Detection (LVD) interrupts can signal the application of falling voltage levels, while the advanced POR (Power On Reset) circuit eliminates the need for a system supervisor.
■An internal 1.3V reference provides an absolute reference for the analog system, including ADCs and DACs.
PSoC Device Characteristics
Depending on your PSoC device characteristics, the digital and analog systems can have 16, 8, or 4 digital blocks and 12, 6, or 4 analog blocks. The following table lists the resources available for specific PSoC device groups. The PSoC device covered by this data sheet is highlighted.
Table 1. PSoC Device Characteristics
PSoC Part | Digital IO | Digital Rows | Digital Blocks | Analog Inputs | Analog Outputs | Analog Columns | Analog Blocks | SRAM Size | Flash Size |
Number |
CY8C29x66 | up to | 4 | 16 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 12 | 2K | 32K |
| 64 |
CY8C27x43 | up to | 2 | 8 | 12 | 4 | 4 | 12 | 256 | 16K |
| 44 |
| Bytes |
CY8C24x94 | 49 | 1 | 4 | 48 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 1K | 16K |
CY8C24x23 | up to | 1 | 4 | 12 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 256 | 4K |
| 24 |
| Bytes |
CY8C24x23A | up to | 1 | 4 | 12 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 256 | 4K |
| 24 |
| Bytes |
CY8C21x34 | up to | 1 | 4 | 28 | 0 | 2 | 4a | 512 | 8K |
| 28 |
| Bytes |
CY8C21x23 | 16 | 1 | 4 | 8 | 0 | 2 | 4a | 256 | 4K |
| Bytes |
a. Limited analog functionality. |
Getting Started
The quickest path to understanding the PSoC silicon is by reading this data sheet and using the PSoC Designer Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This data sheet is an overview of the PSoC integrated circuit and presents specific pin, register, and electrical specifications. For
Development Kits
Development Kits are available from the following distributors:
Technical Training
Free PSoC technical training is available for beginners and is taught by a marketing or application engineer over the phone. PSoC training classes cover designing, debugging, advanced analog, and
Certified PSoC Consultants offer everything from technical assistance to completed PSoC designs. To contact or become a PSoC Consultant go to http://www.cypress.com, click on Design Support located on the left side of the web page, and select CYPros Consultants.
Technical Support
PSoC application engineers take pride in fast and accurate response. They can be reached with a
Application Notes
A long list of application notes can assist you in every aspect of your design effort. To view the PSoC application notes, go to the http://www.cypress.com web site and select Application Notes under the Design Resources list located in the center of the web page. Application notes are listed by date as default.
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