ReAuthEnabled: This Enables or Disables the periodic ReAuthentication control. When the 802.1X function is Enabled, the ReAuthEnabled function is by default also Enabled.
QuietPeriod: Sets the number of seconds that the switch remains in the quiet state following a failed authentication exchange with the client. Default 80 seconds
SuppTimeout: Sets the
ServerTimeout: Sets the amount of time the switch waits for a response from the client before resending the response to the authentication server. Default is 16 seconds.
MaxReq: This parameter specifies the maximum number of times that the switch retransmits an EAP Request packet to the client before it times out the authentication session. Default is 5 times.
ReAuthPeriod: This command affects the behavior of the switch only if periodic
To establish 802.1X
Security > Mac Address Table > Static Mac
This page provides two distinct features. The top table provides the ability to turn off auto learning Mac address if a port isn't connected to an uplink Switch (i.e. DHCP Server). By default, this feature is OFF (disabled). The Macs listed on this table may only connect from corresponding ports and VIDs, in order to protect the network from illegal Macs.