06Manual 22Daitsu ENG 21/12/06 16:17 P‡gina 78
Adjusting the Horizontal Air Flow Direction
For the cooling or dry operation, move the vertical air flow louver downward using the AIR DIRECTION button on the remote controller.
¥ Take hold of the lever on the horizontal air flow grilles and move them to adjust the air flow direction as required.
¥ For the cooling or dry operation, return the vertical air flow
louver to the original position using the AIR DIRECTION button on the remote controller.
lf your use the AIR DIRECTION button to set the vertical air flow direction, the direction will move downward at first, then turn automatically to the direction as you desire.
When you stop operating with the remote controller, the vertical air flow louver will shut automatically.
Automatic operation
The air conditioner selects and operates in one of the operating modes of cooling, heating (cooling only type without) or fan only, depending on the room temperature.
The air conditioner will control room temperature auto- matically round the temperature point set by you.
lf the Auto mode is uncomfortable, you can select the desired conditions manually.