This qualityproductproductis warrantedis warrantedto be free frtombemanufacturer’sfree fromdefectsmanufacturer’sin material anddefectsworkmanship,in materialprovided thandt theworkmanship,unit is used underprovidedthe normalthatoperatingthe unit is usedconditionsunderintendedthe normalby the manufactureroperating. conditions intended by the manufacturer.
This warrantyis availavailableis only to theonlypersonto theo whompersonthe unittowaswhomoriginallythesoldunitbywasDanbyoriginallyP oducts Limitedsold(Canada)by Danbyor DanbyProductsProducLimiteds Inc.(Canada)(U.S.A. (hereafteror “Danby”)Productsor by an authorizedInc. (Udistributor.S.A.) (hereafterof Danby, and“Danby”)is
Plasticparts,are arewarrantedwarrantedfor thirty (30)for daysthirtyonly(30)fromdayspurchaseonlydate,fromwith nopurchaseextensions date,providedwith. no extensions provided.
First Year | DuringDuringthe firstthetwelvefirst(12)twelvemonths,(12)any functionalmonths,partsanyof functionalthis product foundpartsto ofbe defective,this productwill be repairedfound toor replaced,be defective,a warrantor’swill be | |||
| option,repairedt no chargeor replaced,to the ORIGINALat warrantor’spurchaser. | option, at no charge to the ORIGINAL purchaser. |
| |
To obtain | It will be the consumer’s responsibility to transport the appliance (at their own expense) to the original | |||
To obtain | Danby reserves the right to limit the boundaries of “In Home Service” to the proximity of an Authorized Service Depot. Any app | liance | ||
service | retailer (point of purchase) or a service depot for repair. Contact your dealer from whom your unit was | |||
Service | requiring service outside the limited boundaries of “In Home Service” , | it will be the consumer’s responsibility to transport the appliance (at | ||
| purchased, or contact your nearest authorized Danby service depot, where service must be performed | |||
| their own expense) to the original retailer (point of purchase) or a service depot for repair. See “Boundaries of In Home Serv | ice” below. | ||
| by a qualified service technician. If service is performed on the unit by anyone other than an authorized | |||
| Contact your dealer from whom your unit was purchased, or contact your nearest authorized Danby service depot, where service |
| ||
| service depot, or the unit is used for commercial application, all obligations of Danby under this warranty | |||
| must be performed by a qualified service technician. |
| shall be void. |
| cation, all |
| If service is performed on the units by anyone other than an authorized service depot, or the unit is used for commercial appli |
| obligations of Danby under this warranty shall be void. |
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other | ||
contents of this appliance, whether due to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper. | must be | |
Boundaries of | If the appliance is installed in a location that is 100 kilometers (62 miles) or more from the nearest service center your unit | |
In Home Service | delivered to the nearest authorized Danby Service Depot, as service must only be performed by a technician qualified and certif | ied for |
| warranty service by Danby. Transportation charges to and from the service location are not protected by this warranty and are t |
responsibility of the purchaser. |
Save as herein provided, by Danby, there are no other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, express or | |
implied, made or intended by Danby or its authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or | |
Nothing within this warranty shall imply that Danby will be responsible or liable for any spoilage or damage to food or other c | ontents of this appliance, whether due |
guarantees, including any warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation
to any defect of the appliance, or its use, whether proper or improper.
or statute is hereby expressly excluded. Save as herein provided, Danby shall not be responsible for any damages to persons
or property, including the unit itself, howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction of the unit | |
and by the purchase of the unit, the purchaser does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Danby from any claim for | |
damagesSave as hereinto personsrovided, Danby,or propertythere are nocausedother warranties,by theconditions,unit. representations or guarantees, express or implied, m | ade or intended by Danby or its |
authorized distributors and all other warranties, conditions, representations or guarantees, including any warranties, conditio | ns, representations or guarantees |
under any Sale of Goods Act or like legislation or statue is hereby expresslyGENERALexcluded.PROVISIONSSave as herein provided, Danby shall no | t be responsible for any damages |
to persons or property, including the unit itself, howsoever caused or any consequential damages arising from the malfunction o | f the unit and by the purchase of |
Nothewarrantyunit, the purchaseror insurancedoes her byhereinagree tocontainedindemnify andorholdsetharmleout shallD nbyapplyfrom anywhenclaimdamagesfor ortorepairrsons orispropertcaused by anycausedof bythethefollowing:unit.
1)Power failure.
2)Damage in transit or when moving the appliance. GENERAL PROVISIONS
3)Improper power supply such as low voltage, defective house wiring or inadequate fuses.
No warranty or insurance herein contained or set out shall apply when damage or repair is caused by any of the following:
4)Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating
| 1) | Power failure. |
conditions (extremely high or low room temperature). |
| |||
5) | 2) | Damage in t ansit when moving the a pliance. | (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence). |
| |
Use for commercial or industrial purposes |
| ||||
6) | Fire,3) waterImproperdamage,power supplytheft,suchwar,as lowriot,voltage,hostility,defectiveactshouseofwiringGodorsuchinadequateas hurricanes,f ses. | floods etc. |
| ||
7) | Service calls resulting in customer education. |
| ditions | ||
| 4) | Accident, alteration, abuse or misuse of the appliance such as inadequate air circulation in the room or abnormal operating con |
8)Improper Installation (ie.
(extremely high or low room temperature).
outdoor application).
5) Use for commercial or industrial purposes (ie. If the appliance is not installed in a domestic residence).
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; so, please retain bill of sale. In the event warranty service is
6)Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God such as hurricanes, floods etc. required, present this document to our AUTHORIZED SERVICE DEPOT.
7)Service calls resulting in customer education.
8) Improper Installation (ie. | door application). | |
Proof of purchase date will be required for warranty claims; so, please retain bills of sale. In the event warranty service is | required, present this document to our | |
Warranty Service
Warranty Service
Danby Products Limited |
| Danby Products Inc. |
Danby Products Limited | Danby Products Inc. | |
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9 | PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840 | |
PO Box 1778, Guelph, Ontario, Canada N1H 6Z9 | PO Box 669, Findlay, Ohio, U.S.A. 45840 | |
Telephone: (519) | 07/13 | Telephone: (419) |
Telephone: (519) |
| Telephone: (419) |
| 04/09 |