Limited Warranty

Five (5) Years for drivers and cabinets, Three (3) Years for Electronic Components

DEI Sales Co., dba Definitive Technology (herein ÒDefinitiveÓ) warrants to the original retail purchaser only that this Definitive loudspeaker product (the ÒProductÓ) will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of five (5) years covering the drivers and cabinets, and three (3) years for the electronic components from the date of the original purchase from a Definitive Authorized Dealer. If the Product is defective in material or workmanship, Definitive or its Authorized Dealer will, at its option, repair or replace the warranted product at no additional charge, except as set forth below. All replaced parts and Product(s) become the property of Definitive. Product that is repaired or replaced under this warranty will be returned to you, within a reasonable time, freight collect. This warranty is non-transferrable and is automatically void if the original purchaser sells or otherwise transfers the Product to any other party. This Warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage caused by accident, misuse, abuse, negligence, inadequate packing or shipping procedures, commercial use, voltage in excess of the rated maximum of the unit, cosmetic appearance of cabinetry not directly attributable to defects in material or workmanship. This warranty does not cover the elimination of externally generated static or noise, or the correction of antenna problems or weak reception. This warranty does not cover labor costs or damage to the Product caused by installation or removal of the Product. Definitive makes no warranty with respect to its products purchased from dealers or outlets other than Definitive Technology Authorized Dealer. The warranty is automatically void if: 1) The product has been damaged, altered in anyway, mishandled during transportation, or tampered with. 2) The product is damaged due to accident, fire, flood, unreasonable use, misuse, abuse, customer applied cleaners, failure to observe manufacturers warnings, neglect or related events. 3) Repair or modification of the Product has not been made or authorized by Definitive Technology. 4) The product has been improperly installed or used. Product must be returned (insured and prepaid), together with the original dated proof of purchase to the Authorized Dealer from whom the Product was purchased, or to the nearest Definitive factory service center. Product must be shipped in the original shipping container or its equivalent. Definitive is not responsible or liable for loss or damage to Product in transit. This limited warranty is the only express warranty that applies to your product. Definitive neither assumes nor authorizes any person or entity to assume for it any other obligation or liability in connection with your product or this warranty. all other warranties, including but not limited to express, implied,warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly excluded and disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. all implied warranties on product are limited to the duration of this expressed warranty. Definitive has no liability for acts of third parties. DefinitiveÕs liability, whether based on contract, tort, strict liability, or any other theory, shall not exceed the purchase price of the product for which a claim has been made. under no circumstance will Definitive bear any liability for incidental, consequential or special damages. the consumer agrees and consents that all disputes between the consumer and Definitive shall be resolved in accordance with California laws in San Diego county, California. Definitive reserves the right to modify this warranty statement at any time. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential or incidental damages, or implied warranties, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

Garantía limitada: 5 años para las bocinas y gabinetes, 3 años para los componentes eléctricos

DEI Sales Co., dba Definitive Technology (de aqu’ en adelante ÒDefinitiveÓ) garantiza al comprador final solamente que estas bocinas de Definitive (el ÒProductoÓ) no tendr‡n defectos en el material ni en la mano de obra durante un per’odo de cinco (5) a–os en el caso de las bocinas y gabinetes, y tres (3) a–os en el caso de los componentes electr—nicos, desde la fecha de la compra original a un distribuidor autorizado por Definitive. Definitive o el distribuidor autorizado reparar‡n o reemplazar‡n, a su criterio, el producto garantizado sin cargo adicional, excepto en los casos mencionados m‡s abajo. Todas las piezas y Productos reemplazados pasar‡n a ser propiedad de Definitive. Los Productos reparados o reemplazados bajo esta garant’a se le devolver‡n en un plazo razonable, cobrable a la entrega. Esta garant’a no es transferible y se anular‡ autom‡ticamente si el comprador original vende o transfiere el Producto a terceros. Esta Garant’a no incluye mantenimiento, reparaci—n ni piezas para la reparaci—n de da–os causados por accidentes, uso indebido, abuso, negligencia, procedimientos inadecuados de embalaje o env’o, uso comercial o voltaje superior al establecido para la unidad, o una apariencia estŽtica no atribuible directamente a defectos en el material o en la mano de obra. Esta Garant’a tampoco cubre la eliminaci—n de est‡tica o ruido generados por fuentes externas, ni la correcci—n de problemas de la antena o mala recepci—n. No cubre gastos por mano de obra ni da–os en el Producto causados por su instalaci—n o desinstalaci—n. Definitive Technology no ofrece ninguna garant’a para productos adquiridos en distribuidores o tiendas que no estŽn autorizados por Definitive Technology. La garantía se anulará automáticamente si: 1) Se da–—, se alter— de alguna manera o se manipul— el Producto, o si se lo trat— inadecuadamente durante el traslado. 2) El producto sufri— da–os por accidente, incendio, inundaci—n, uso indebido, uso excesivo, abuso, productos de limpieza aplicados por el cliente, incumplimiento de las advertencias del fabricante, negligencia o circunstancias similares. 3) Se realizaron reparaciones o modificaciones en el Producto que Definitive Technology no autoriz—. 4) El Producto se instal— o se utiliz— incorrectamente. El Producto deber‡ devolverse (asegurado y con los gastos pagados con anterioridad), junto con el recibo de compra original, al distribuidor autorizado donde se adquiri— o al centro de mantenimiento y reparaciones de la f‡brica m‡s cercana. Debe enviarse el Producto en el embalaje original o su equivalente. Definitive no se responsabiliza por la pŽrdida o los da–os que pueda sufrir el producto en el camino. Esta garant’a limitada es la œnica garant’a expresa v‡lida para el producto. Definitive no asume ninguna obligaci—n ni responsabilidad relacionada con el producto o la garant’a, ni autoriza a ninguna persona o entidad a asumirlas en su nombre. El resto de garantêas, incluidas, entre otras, la garant’a expresa, impl’cita, de comerciabilidad o de aptitud para un fin determinado, quedan expresamente excluidas y declinadas hasta el l’mite permitido por la ley. Todas las garant’as impl’citas del producto est‡n limitadas a la duraci—n de esta garant’a expresa. Definitive no se responsabiliza por las acciones de terceros. La responsabilidad de Definitive, ya sea sobre la base de un contrato, responsabilidad estricta o extracontractual, o cualquier otra teor’a legal, no exceder‡ el monto de la compra del producto por el cual se realiza el reclamo. Definitive no asumir‡, en ninguna circunstancia, responsabilidad por da–os accidentales, consecuentes o especiales. El consumidor acepta y est‡ de acuerdo en que todos los conflictos entre Žl y Definitive se resolver‡n segœn las leyes de California en el condado de San Diego, California. Definitive se reserva el derecho de modificar esta declaraci—n de garantêa en cualquier momento. En algunos estados, no se permite la exclusi—n ni la limitaci—n de da–os accidentales o consecuentes ni de las garant’as impl’citas, por lo cual es posible que las limitaciones mencionadas no sean v‡lidas en su caso. Esta garant’a le otorga derechos legales espec’ficos, y usted puede tener otros derechos que var’an en cada estado.

23 english


Garantie limitée : 5 ans pour les haut-parleurs et coffrets, 3 ans sur les composants électroniques

DEI Sales Co., dba Definitive Technology (ci-apr•s Ç Definitive È) sÕengage exclusivement vis-ˆ-vis de lÕacheteur final ˆ ce que cette enceinte Definitive (le Ç produit È) soit exempte de dŽfauts de conception et de fabrication pour une pŽriode de cinq (5) ans pour les haut-parleurs et coffrets et de trois (3) ans concernant les composants Žlectroniques ˆ compter de la date dÕachat du produit aupr•s dÕun revendeur Definitive agrŽŽ. En cas de dŽfaut de conception ou de fabrication, Definitive ou le revendeur agrŽŽ, ˆ sa seule discrŽtion, rŽparera ou remplacera le produit sous garantie sans frais, ˆ lÕexception des frais stipulŽs ci-dessous. Tous les produits et pi•ces remplacŽs deviennent la propriŽtŽ de Definitive. Un produit rŽparŽ ou remplacŽ dans le cadre de cette garantie vous sera renvoyŽ sous un dŽlai raisonnable, les frais dÕexpŽdition Žtant ˆ votre charge. Cette garantie est non transfŽrable et automatiquement invalidŽe si lÕacheteur dÕorigine revend ou transf•re le produit ˆ un tiers. Cette garantie ne couvre pas les frais de service ou les pi•ces de rechange pour la rŽparation de dommages provoquŽs par un accident, de la nŽgligence, des mesures dÕemballage ou dÕexpŽdition incorrectes, une utilisation commerciale, une surtension au delˆ des spŽcifications du produit ni les dŽfauts cosmŽtiques des coffrets non attribuables ˆ des dŽfauts de matŽriaux ou de fabrication. Cette garantie ne couvre pas lÕŽlimination de sons parasites provenant dÕune source externe, ou la correction de probl•mes dÕantenne ou de mauvaise rŽception. Cette garantie ne couvre pas les frais de main dÕÏuvre ou de dommages entra”nŽs par lÕinstallation ou d. ƒsinstallation du produit. Definitive Technology fournit ce produit sans garantie sÕil a ŽtŽ achetŽ aupr•s de revendeurs ou dÕenseignes qui ne sont pas agrŽŽs par Definitive Technology. Cette garantie est automatiquement annulée si: 1) Le produit a ŽtŽ endommagŽ, altŽrŽ, mal acheminŽ ou maltraitŽ de quelque mani•re. 2) Le produit est endommagŽ suite ˆ un accident, un incendie, une inondation, une utilisation dŽraisonnable, une mauvaise utilisation, une utilisation abusive, lÕapplication de produits nettoyants, une non application des consignes du fabricant, de la nŽgligence ou tout autre ŽvŽnement similaire. 3) Une rŽparation ou modification du produit nÕa pas ŽtŽ effectuŽe ou autorisŽe par Definitive Technology. 4) Le produit a ŽtŽ installŽ ou utilisŽ de mani•re incorrecte Le produit doit •tre retournŽ (par envoi assurŽ et prŽpayŽ) accompagnŽ dÕune preuve dÕachat datŽe au revendeur agrŽŽ aupr•s duquel le produit a ŽtŽ achetŽ, ou au centre de maintenance Definitive le plus proche. Le produit doit •tre expŽdiŽ dans son emballage dÕorigine ou Žquivalent. Definitive nÕest pas responsable en cas de dommage ou de perte du produit en transit. Cette garantie limitŽe est la seule garantie explicite couvrant votre produit. Definitive interdit ˆ toute personne ou entitŽ tierce dÕassumer en son nom toute autre obligation ou responsabilitŽ liŽe ˆ votre produit ou ˆ cette garantie. Definitive rŽfute et dŽcline toute autre garantie, y compris et sans sÕy limiter, toute garantie explicite ou implicite de potentiel commercial ou dÕadaptation ˆ un usage particulier dans les limites des lois en vigueur. LÕensemble des garanties implicites couvrant le produit sont limitŽes ˆ la durŽe de la garantie explicite. Definitive nÕest pas responsable des agissements de tierces parties. La responsabilitŽ de Definitive, quel que soit le rŽgime juridique la gouvernant (contrat, civil, responsabilitŽ stricte, etc.) ne pourra pas excŽder le prix dÕachat du produit faisant lÕobjet dÕune plainte. Definitive ne sera en aucun cas tenu pour responsable de quelconques dommages accessoires, consŽcutifs ou spŽciaux. Le consommateur accepte et consent ˆ ce que tout litige entre le consommateur et Definitive soit jugŽ conformŽment aux lois de la Californie, dans le contŽ de San Diego, Californie. Definitive se rŽserve le droit de modifier cette dŽclaration de garantie ˆ tout moment. Certaines juridictions nÕautorisent pas lÕexclusion ou la limitation de dommages consŽcutifs ou accessoires ou les garanties implicites, et il est possible que les restrictions prŽcitŽes ne vous concernent pas. Cette garantie vous conf•re des droits, et il se peut que vous bŽnŽficiiez dÕautres droits en fonction des lois en vigueur dans votre pays.


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Definitive Technology 40, 60, 20BP, 50, Mythos XTR Loudspeaker System owner manual Limited Warranty

40, 50, 20BP, 60, Mythos XTR Loudspeaker System specifications

Definitive Technology is renowned for its commitment to delivering high-quality audio solutions, and the Definitive Technology 60 (often referred to as the DT 60) stands out in their lineup. This speaker is designed to provide an immersive listening experience, utilizing cutting-edge technologies and superior design principles.

One of the standout features of the DT 60 is its combination of a powerful driver assembly and a sophisticated bass radiating system. The speaker is equipped with a high-performance 6.5-inch woofer, delivering deep, impactful bass that captures the richness of your favorite music and enhances movie soundtracks. Complementing the woofer are dual 5.25-inch passive radiators that help to extend the low-frequency response even further, ensuring that you can feel the music as much as you can hear it.

The DT 60 also features a 1-inch aluminum dome tweeter, which provides crystal clear highs and helps maintain an accurate frequency response across different sound levels. This combination of drivers creates a well-balanced soundstage, allowing for a more immersive listening experience whether you are enjoying a concert or watching a movie.

Another notable characteristic of the Definitive Technology 60 is its innovative polygel material, which is used in the speaker’s cabinet construction. This material not only reduces unwanted vibrations but also enhances overall sound clarity. The cabinet is also designed to minimize resonances, providing a clean and accurate sound that is true to the original recording.

In terms of connectivity, the DT 60 is versatile, featuring options for both wired and wireless connections. This makes it easy to integrate with your existing audio setup, whether you prefer traditional speaker wiring or the convenience of Bluetooth streaming.

The aesthetic appeal of the DT 60 is also something to note. With its modern design and elegant finish, this speaker can fit seamlessly into any home decor while making a statement. The grille is detachable, allowing you to customize the look based on your preferences.

Overall, the Definitive Technology 60 offers a perfect blend of advanced technology, superior sound quality, and elegant design, making it an excellent choice for audiophiles seeking to enrich their listening experience. Whether for music, movies, or gaming, the DT 60 delivers unparalleled audio performance that elevates any entertainment medium.