ASM Port and Protocol Information
The following ports and communication protocols used by ASM to transfer and receive data.
Table 1. ASM Port and Protocol Information
Ports Protocols Port Type Direction Use
22 SSH TCP Inbound /
I/O Module
23 Telnet TCP Outbound I/O Module
53 DNS TCP Outbound DNS Server
67, 68 DHCP UDP Outbound DHCP Server
69 TFTP UDP Inbound Firmware Updates
80, 8080 HTTP TCP Inbound /
HTTP Communication
123 NTP UDP Outbound Time Synchronization
162, 11620 SNMP UDP Inbound SNMP Synchronization
443 HTTPS TCP Inbound /
Secure HTTP Communication
443, 4433 WS-MAN TCP Outbound iDRAC and CMC Communication
129, 445 CIFS TCP Inbound /
Back up program date to CIFS share
2049 NFS TCP Inbound /
Back up program data to NIFS share