Prepričajte se, da ni nič postavljeno na kablih računalniškega sistema, in da kabli niso nameščeni tam, kjer bi se lahko na njih stopilo oziroma spotaknilo.

Ne raztresajte hrane in ne izlivajte tekočine na računalnik.

Če se bo računalnik zmočil, posvetujte se z vašim elektronskim Uporabniškem priročiku.

Ne porivajte predmetov v odprtine na vašemu računalniku. Takšno početje lahko povzroči požar ali električni udar zaradi kratkega stika med notranjimi komponentami.

Računalnik varujte pred bližino radiatorjev in grelnih virov. Ne zapirajte odprtin za zračno hlajenje. Izogibajte se temu, da odlagate papirje pod računalnik; ne nameščajte računalnika v zidne omare, ali na posteljo, zofo ter preprogo.

Ergonomska dognanja za delo z računalnikomme

OPOZORILO: Nepravilna ali predolga uporaba tipkovnice lahko povzroči poškodbe.

OPOZORILO: Dolgotrajno gledanje v zaslon lahko povzroči prenapenjanje oči.

Za udobje in učinkovitost pri pripravi in uporabi računalniškega sistema upoštevajte ergonomske napotke v Uporabniškem priročiku.

Informacije o določenih predpisih

EMI (Electromagnetic Interference [Elektromagnetne motnje]) so vsi signali ali žarčenja, oddani v odprti prostor ali preneseni po napajalnih ali signalnih kablih, ki ogrožajo delovanje radio navigacijskih ali drugih varnostnih storitev ter resno zmanjšujejo, ovirajo in večkrat prekinjajo pooblaščene radio komunikacijske storitve.

Računalniški sistem Dell je izdelan tako, da ustreza veljavnim predpisom za EMI. Vse spremembe, ki jih ni Dell izrecno potrdil, lahko razveljavijo pravice uporabnika za nadaljnjo uporabo opreme.

OPOMBA: Dodatne informacije o določenih predpisih za vaš sistem

lahko poiščete v Uporabniškem priročiku.

Konfiguracija in Vodič po hitrih navodilih za sisteme


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Dell GX50, 94CGN manual Informacije o določenih predpisih, Ergonomska dognanja za delo z računalnikomme

94CGN, GX50 specifications

The Dell GX50,94CGN represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of business desktops, combining efficiency with reliability in a compact form factor. Designed primarily for office environments, this model caters to users seeking a blend of performance and value.

One of the standout features of the Dell GX50 is its robust Intel processor, which comes in various configurations to meet different performance needs. With options ranging from Intel Pentium to higher-end Celeron processors, the GX50 is capable of handling standard office applications, web browsing, and multitasking with relative ease. This flexibility allows users to choose the model that best fits their specific requirements, making it a versatile choice for diverse workforces.

Its design is also noteworthy, with a small form factor that encourages efficient use of desk space. The sleek and professional aesthetic of the GX50 makes it an unobtrusive addition to any office setup. Despite its compact size, the GX50 is engineered to provide excellent thermal management, ensuring optimal performance even during extended periods of use.

In terms of memory and storage, the Dell GX50 supports a range of configurations, with ample options for RAM and hard drive sizes. Users can select from traditional hard drives to solid-state drives, enhancing the system's speed and responsiveness. This scalability makes it easy for organizations to tailor their systems to their evolving IT needs.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Dell GX50. Equipped with multiple USB ports, Ethernet connections, and options for integrated Wi-Fi, the GX50 facilitates seamless connection to networks and peripherals. This ensures that users remain productive and connected, whether they are in a traditional office or adopting more flexible working environments.

In addition to its hardware capabilities, the GX50 is designed with software compatibility in mind. Running on various versions of Windows, it supports a broad range of applications commonly used in business settings. This compatibility ensures smooth operation and simplifies the integration of new software solutions.

Overall, the Dell GX50,94CGN is a capable, efficient desktop option for businesses looking to enhance their technological infrastructure without compromising on performance or budget. Its combination of solid build quality, performance flexibility, and connectivity options makes it a reliable choice for modern workplaces.