Deni 9360 manual Trouble Shooting, Hints and Tips

Models: 9360

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Trouble Shooting


γCheck to see that it is properly plugged in.

γCheck to see that the thermostat is set at the proper temperature.

γThere is not sufficient oil in the oil tank. Make sure to fill to the fill line.


γUse good frying oil not, butter, margarine, olive oil or animal fats.

γThe food is too thick.

γThe thermostat is at the wrong temperature.

γToo much food. Try smaller batches.

Hints and Tips

γAlways use oil and fats that can withstand high temperatures.

γDo not mix different types of oil or fat.

γWhen frying, oil may take on the flavor of other foods that are being fried. Therefore, fry strong flavor foods such as fish after such foods as french fries to avoid crossing flavors.

γFry foods of similar size at once to avoid under or over cooking foods.

γFood for frying should be completely dry to avoid overflowing and to help make the oil last longer.

γWhen preparing potato based food (chips, fries, etc.) cut them up and wash them in cold water to remove the starch.


This will prevent them from sticking. Dry carefully.

γ Do not over fill basket, oil temperature will drop making the food greasy and not crispy.

γ Do not keep oil at high temperatures for long periods of time, it will lose its properties.

γ Set the temperature dial to the lowest setting between batches. γ Do not leave cooked food in the basket to drain for too long.

The vapors could cause the food to lose its crispness and go soft.

γ Frozen food can be cooked in the basket without being defrosted.

γ Only metal utensils can be used, do not use plastic as they will melt.

γ Use caution when frying items such as flour tortillas for tortilla chips and deep fried enchiladas. Oil can become trapped in bubbles and if not properly drained will burst and burn. Allow oil to drain for a minute after frying.

γ Seasoning right after frying is recommended for seasoning to adhere to the food and to conserve oil quality.

γ Beware of steam. It is normal for steam to come out from the vents and when opening. Keep distance from hands and face.

γ Fryer needs to cool completely with cover on before removing oil and cleaning.

γ Reusing oil can be done, provided that it is properly strained through a cheesecloth or strainer and it is tightly sealed and unexposed to light and air. Refrigerating the oil is an option.

γ Change the oil regularly, after approximately 20 batches.


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Deni 9360 manual Trouble Shooting, Hints and Tips